Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Been a Slow Day

Today was a pretty slow day for Peggy. After all the activity yesterday, Tim told me her memory was really bad last night. She was having a very difficult time recalling much of what had happened during the day. This is why it is so important for her to rest her brain. So today Elijah went to see his grandfather off to Texas and then went to play with his cousins--Thank you Suzie. Peg stayed in bed most of the day and when she got up she would only stay up for a little while. She told me she was tired. She has also experienced some dizziness today. We're going to have to watch carefully because she has been doing so well with her balance that we were surprised when she almost fell while outside. (She had her shades on and was sitting down but when she got up the ground was not steady for her.) She also took some pain medication today and that's the first time she has decided, without encouragement, that she needed some.
She had a little company tonight and did okay. So, all in all it was a slow but okay day.
I was able to make her appointment with the Trauma Center for the 8th of September and at that time they will schedule something with the Cognitive testing people to get a baseline for where she is. I will probably call them tomorrow and see if we can go ahead and get something set up so I can figure out what my schedule is going to be. I am reluctant to leave until the evaluation has taken place. So, again, this is not going to be a sprint but rather a marathon--slow and steady. As always thanks for the prayers, cards, calls, and words of encouragement. All of it helps. Linda

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy, Tim, Elijah & Linda, You know I'm thinking about each of you and saying a little prayer for speedy recovery, patience and peace. Give yourselves time to allow God to work his miracle! Wish I could be there to give my support. Don't worry about anything but getting better. Linda~Sebastian is keeping the "girls" in line. He said he misses you & to hurry home! Love to all of you ~ Debbie
