Friday, September 4, 2009

One More Thing

In the midst of all that self-pity, I forgot to say the thing I REALLY miss the most: a glass of Oregon red wine with dinner. This no-drinking policy is for the birds. . .


  1. Hi Peggy,

    I just wrote a fairly long message and lost it! Darn.

    First off, not being able to have a glass of wine is really the pits. AAAGGGHH bummer.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. It helped me understand a little more of what you are experiencing.

    You write beautifully and really put into words what many could not. That alone tells me that you are healing.

    You will put the puzzle together. You will get better.

    I am going to see if I can post this, and if so, I'll write a little more.

    I love you,

    Aunt Judy

  2. AHA, it worked.

    I had Lukey, age 5, Mel's youngest, on Wednesday as his kindergarten class met for only 3 days this week. When we were walking into Target I discovered that I had left my list at home. I could not remember an item and I was trying to figure out where I was in my condo when I had thought of the item, what department it might be in in the store, etc.

    Then I told Lukey that I wasn't going to try anymore. That I was going to let my brain just rest and maybe it would just pop right in. He was intrigued. And sure enough, it did!

    Also, I find that I need so much more sleep since Rowan's death and everything around it. I can concentrate more in the morning - even can do much better on crossword puzzles. I don't have a brain injury . and .. our bodies, hearts, spirits, are all mixed together and affect each other. So perhaps, just as sleep is helping you heal, it is also helping me to cope.

    I can try to imagine how scary and confusing it must be to have lost time - and to feel disconnected. Also to miss your daily routine, even work. :)

    Perhaps the sleeping and the dreaminess is your body's way of helping you get the rest you need as you heal. Our bodies are so marvelous and we have an inner drive for health and wellness.

    Have you thought about drawing? or painting? Sometimes using our right brain is helpful with integration and memory. Plus it's a good way to express feelings.

    Hugs and wishes for a weekend with good weather, rest, good food, and snuggles from Elijah.

    Aunt Judy

  3. Hey Peggy, This is Dawn Teeters. Chris somehow found your blog and showed it to me just now. All I could say was "WHAT?" Then I read every blog. I really appreciate your mom writing all this time and sharing with everyone what's going on. You have been through quite alot. We will definitely be praying for healing and that you can finally put the puzzle together. It's really hard for me to imagine Tim talking in a low voice but I'm sure he figured something out. Love you guys!
